occupy land

美 [ˈɑːkjupaɪ lænd]英 [ˈɒkjupaɪ lænd]
  • 占用土地
occupy landoccupy land
  1. Highway construction must occupy land , and in many cases the occupation of farmland is inevitable .


  2. This not occupy land aera , but spoil the environment , and cause the adverse influence on sustainable development of society .


  3. If fly ash is treated for landfilling , a large amount of fly ash will cost huge financial expenditure and occupy land , which is shortage in Shanghai .


  4. At present , the utilization of phosphogypsum rate less than 10 % , and most of them stacking in open-air yard , which not only occupy land resources , environmental pollution , but also caused the waste of resources .


  5. Coal refuse can be utilized comprehensively , but the rate is only 20 % owing to the limitation of technique and economy . There fore most of coal refuses have to pile and occupy land , which must be control .


  6. Article 32 The local people 's governments at and above the county level may demand units which occupy cultivated land to use the topsoil of the land occupied for use in the newly reclaimed land , poor land or other cultivated land for soil amelioration .


  7. If the territory is vast but the cities small , you must first occupy their land .


  8. Actually , any person who accepts that others should occupy their land has no dignity .


  9. These landscape design occupy little land , but saving the urban land and resources , transforming the urban environment is obvious effects .


  10. Large amount of red mud was exposed to atmosphere , which not only occupy much land but also cause pollution of the environment and groundwater .


  11. BE made on BEhalf of the tenant by a person authorized under the lease to occupy the land or part of it .


  12. At the same time , consumers are paying more attention to residential environment and real estate development dealers occupy more land resource to gain more benefit possibly .


  13. Stimulating the domestic economy and expansion of domestic demand , build modern industry , modern agriculture and new rural construction projects fall to the ground is bound to occupy the land .


  14. Nowadays , the most common disposal method of water treatment sludge is some type of dewatering and land disposal which will occupy vast land and pollute the surroundings .


  15. At the same time , the excavated rock in tunnel and underground engineering , as solid offal , not only occupy valuable land but also pollute environment to some extent .


  16. However , when their presidents or prime ministers order them to occupy others'peaceful land , they will not hesitate to butcher its people and massacre its children and women .


  17. These tillers were allowed to occupy the land on conditions which , being the product of force , were always onerous , but seldom to the extent of absolute slavery .


  18. As an asbestos producing country , plenty of asbestos tailings would be produced every year in China , which could occupy cultivated land and pollute the environment and thus become threaten to human health .


  19. Microalgae could grew in water rapidly with high lipid content , and do not occupy cultivated land resources , and they may be used to substitute the traditional fossil fuel as the renewable new energy source .


  20. Similarly land under permanent crops is the land cultivated with crops that occupy the land for long periods and need not be replanted after each harvest , such as cocoa , coffee and rubber ;


  21. It can pass through the surface the barrier , and has the reduction line , the air raid defense , easy space of planes merits and so on to adjust temperature and not to occupy a land area .


  22. By August 2011 , their incredible plans for the tower - which would occupy the land where the Macklowe-owned Drake Hotel had been demolished - began to leak onto real estate news sites like Curbed and The New York Observer .


  23. They have higher light energy conversion efficiency , shorter growth cycle , do not occupy arable land and also can synthesize and accumulate large amounts of triacylglycerol ( TAG ), so the development of microalgae biomass as energy raw material , have an unparalleled advantage .


  24. To occupy illegally the land requisitioned for the building of power facilities .


  25. Municipal refuse not only occupy plenty of land but also bring a series of serious problem to the environment .


  26. Mining activities and the waste they produced not only destroy and occupy lots of land resources but also bring about many serious environmental problems .


  27. Because they occupy the foreign land in displaying the different national characteristics personally with society 's wrestle , manly manifests in individual struggling course , treating love manner and result and connotation three aspects .


  28. In the coming period , population will continue to increase ; construction will occupy high-quality arable land together with the construction of ecological barrier etc. , which result in baptism for the farmland protection of Dehong Prefecture . 5 .


  29. As with the original act , applicants must occupy their parcels of land for five years .


  30. The construction of expressway meant reduction of biological capacity in terms of the occupy of the fertile land .
